Feb 26
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
做完早弥撒的女子在教堂前的断壁残垣中行走,太子港,海地。摄影师:Chip Somodevilla
Young women navigated rubble after attending morning Mass at the earthquake-damaged Sacre Coeur Catholic Church in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday.


Thursday, February 24, 2010
Alexander McQueen葬礼上一个写着他名字“Lee”的花篮,这名传奇设计师本月早些时候被发现自杀于家中
A floral arrangement bearing designer Alexander McQueen’s first name, Lee, was displayed at his funeral in London Thursday.


Tuesday, February 22, 2010
来自缅甸的移民儿童在泰国Mahachai居住地消磨时间。摄影师:Damir Sagolj
Migrant children from Myanmar passed the time in their crowded settlement in Mahachai, Thailand, Tuesday.


Tuesday, February 22, 2010
村民们为山体滑坡中遇难的亲人哀悼恸哭,Dewata,印度尼西亚。至少17人在这次灾难中丧生。 摄影师:Ulet Ifansasti
Villagers mourned relatives as a search for bodies buried in a landslide continued Wednesday in Dewata, Indonesia.


Tuesday, February 22, 2010
凌晨路边为第二天生意做准备工作的茶水小贩,周围是正在休息的首都新德里的示威群众,在印度政府预算审核期聚集在议会前,抗议物价上涨、事业、食品安全等问题。摄影师:Mustafa Auraishi
A roadside tea vendor warmed his kettle as protesters slept on a stretch of road near the Indian Parliament in New Delhi Tuesday.


Thursday, February 24, 2010
伦敦的黎明。 摄影师:Dan Kitwood
The sun rose over London Thursday.


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2010/02/26

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