Jan 22

Information, resources, and ways you can help survivors of the Haiti earthquake.
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Monday, Januray 18, 2010
一名年轻的女孩站在临时搭建的帐篷前,海地。对于这些在地震中无家可归的人来说,重建家园困难重重。摄影师:Dominic Nahr
A young girl stood in her tent. Where the homeless are going to live and how to rebuild their homes will be a challenge for months and years to come.
Tuesday, Janurary 19, 2010
梵高自画像前拥簇的媒体记者,英国皇家艺术学院正在进行“真实的梵高”画展,公开开放时间从1月23日至4月18日。摄影师:Lefteris Pitarakis
The media filled London’s Royal Academy of Arts Tuesday for a viewing of paintings by Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh, pictured in a self-portrait at center.
Tuesday, Janurary 19, 2010
成千上万人聚集在伊斯坦布尔Agos报社前,纪念2007年被极端种族主义者杀害的土耳其亚美尼亚记者Hrant Dink。摄影师:Kerim Okten
NEVER FORGET: Thousands gathered outside the Agos newspaper office in Istanbul Tuesday to mark the 2007 murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Mr. Dink was killed by an ultra-nationalist.
Tuesday, Janurary 19, 2010
太子港的港口停止运转,海地。摄影师:Dominic Nahr
The port in Port-au-Prince was not in operation, Haiti.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
很多地震遇难者只能以简陋的方式集体掩埋,海地。摄影师:Dominic Nahr
Many of the victims of the earthquake will be buried in mass graves.
你可以帮助海地幸存者的相关信息与途径。(Thanks To Google)
Information, resources, and ways you can help survivors of the Haiti earthquake.
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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2010/01/22
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