Jan 29
点击在新窗口中浏览此图片你可以帮助海地幸存者的相关信息与途径。(Thanks To Google)
Information, resources, and ways you can help survivors of the Haiti earthquake.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010
俄罗斯共产党员举着红旗穿过莫斯科红场,前往列宁墓碑悼念。这名苏联前领袖去世于1924年1月21日。摄影师:Misha Japaridze
Russian Communists held red flags as they walked to Vladimir Lenin’s mausoleum at Moscow’s Red Square Thursday. The father of the Soviet Union died Jan. 21, 1924.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010
一名女子在等待食物配给时将手抚在一面裂开的墙上,海地。摄影师:Corlos Barria
A woman placed her hand near a cracked wall as she waited for food at a distribution site in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Wednesday.


Monday, January 25, 2010
一名身穿Giorgio Armani设计款服装的模特在Armani高级春夏季时装秀上,巴黎。摄影师:Christophe Ena
A model wore designs by Giorgio Armani during the Giorgio Armani Prive Haute Couture spring/summer show in Paris Monday.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010
一名身着Bibian Blue设计款的模特在080巴塞罗那时装秀上。摄影师:Manu Fernandez
A model wore a Bibian Blue design during the 080 Barcelona fashion show Tuesday.


Monday, January 25, 2010
一个精神病患者在精神病医院的独立病房里向外张望,太子港,海地。摄影师:Olivier Laban-Mattei
A man looked out of an isolation cell at a psychiatric facility in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Monday.


Wednesday, January 28, 2010
一只名为Orion的河马在动物园补牙,哥伦比亚。摄影师:Raul Arboleda
A hippopotamus named Orion looked on while getting a tooth fixed at the Santa Fe Zoo, in Medellin, Colombia, Wednesday.


一名受伤的女孩在医院外等待救助,以避免在余震中受伤;摄影师:Dominic Nahr
An injured girl waited for aid outside a hospital Jan. 15 in hopes of avoiding risk of further injury from aftershocks.


Monday, January 25, 2010
埃塞俄比亚航空公司一架载有90人的飞机从贝鲁特起飞几分钟后起火,坠入海中,无人生还。附近的黎巴嫩人望向飞机坠海点。摄影师:Bilal Hussein
Lebanese people looked at the sea where an Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 90 people caught fire and crashed into the water minutes after taking off from Beirut, Lebanon, Monday.


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2010/01/29

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