Feb 19

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February 12, 2008
Borobudur Temple, Java, Indonesia
摄影师:Alexandra Boulat
印尼的Borobudur寺中——全世界最大的佛寺,一位妇女穿行在铃形尖塔中 大图
A woman walks among the bell-shaped spires of Indonesia's Borobudur—the world's largest Buddhist temple.
February 14, 2008
Common Loons, Moose Lake, Wyoming
摄影师:Michael Quinton
怀俄明州Moose湖,两只身披丰满羽毛的潜鸟正在互相求爱 大图
Two common loons in checkered breeding plumage engage in a courtship ritual in Wyoming's Moose Lake.
February 17, 2008
Saint Simeon Church, Syria
摄影师:James Stanfield
叙利亚沙漠,西缅甸教堂废墟屹立在绿松石般的天空下 大图
The isolated ruins of the Church of Saint Simeon stand beneath a turquoise sky in the Syrian desert.
Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2008/02/19
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