Sep 5
点击在新窗口中浏览此图片国家地理的摄影总监David Griffin在TED2008上进行了一段非常精彩的演讲,用经典的摄影作品与妙趣横生的故事讲述了NG在摄影上的理解与展望,非常值得一看。

Griffin自然是先从1985年那张NG标志性的阿富汗少女讲起,将过往摄影大师的杰作与去年Your Shot在线征集的最佳作品一一列举,随后用六个专题故事来回顾摄影在人们认识世界、了解世界中的巨大作用,整段演讲虽然只有15分钟,信息量却颇为丰富,道出不少照片背后的细节。


下面是Griffin演讲中非常精彩的Key Point:

Everyone of us has one or two great photographs in us, but to be a great photojournalist you need to take great photos all the time. You need to know how to creative a visual narrative , you need to know how to tell a story.

Photography can be used to address our biggest issues. But sometimes photojournalism is just plain interesting or fun.

I believe that Photography can make a real connection to people, and can be employed as a positive agent to understand the challenges and opportunities facing us today.

Leica中文摄影杂志@Email订阅地址 or @RSS

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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2008/09/05

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