Jul 10
Doha, Qatar—As the 2006 Asian Games began, hundreds of men proudly held torches aloft, forming an image of the host nation’s flag, then the burning message “Peace be upon you,” in English and Arabic.
多哈,卡塔尔——2006多哈亚运会,成千上万当地人高举火炬,组成卡塔尔的国旗,以及英文和阿拉伯文的“Peace Be Upon You”
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多哈,卡塔尔——2006多哈亚运会,成千上万当地人高举火炬,组成卡塔尔的国旗,以及英文和阿拉伯文的“Peace Be Upon You”
Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2007/07/10
This entry comes from 中文摄影 and has been read for 26947 times.It tagged with 国家地理杂志 , national-geographic.
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