Apr 21
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April 14, 2008
Karo Woman, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
摄影师:Jodi Cobb
埃塞俄比亚Omo谷地,头梳独特短辫的Karo部落女子站在一间土房门口  大图
A woman from the Karo tribe, with customary short braided hair, looks through the doorway of a mud building in Ethiopia's Omo Valley.


April 15, 2008
Palmyra Ruins, Syria
摄影师:Annie Griffiths Belt
这些纪念碑式的石柱是公元前2世纪叙利亚帕尔米拉王国的杰作——这里曾经是叙利亚沙漠的绿洲和商贸往来必经之地  大图
These monumental stone pillars are among the incredible remains of the second century B.C. kingdom of Palmyra, Syria, an oasis and trade crossroads in the Syrian desert.


April 17, 2008
Baby Alligator Snapping Turtle, Florida
摄影师:George Grall
佛罗里达的沼泽地,一只幼鳄龟正在它的先辈躯干上小憩  大图
A baby alligator snapping turtle in a Florida swamp perches on the outsize skull of a record-breaking ancestor.


April 19, 2008
Huli Tribesmen, Papua New Guinea
摄影师:Jodi Cobb
巴布亚新几内亚Hulu部落男人们浓妆、艳面、假发,在为部落盛会做准备  大图


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2008/04/21

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