May 12
欧洲TIPA 2007奖项本月初揭晓,Leica M8毫无悬念地成为“旁轴取景数码相机”获奖者——虽名之所归,但是没有竞争者的皇冠,想必加冕时亦少一份乐趣。

“旁轴取景数码相机”奖项是TIPA 2007新建立的奖项,如果Leica明年不推出新M数码机型,不知这大奖是否还要再次颁给M8。


“The Leica M8 digital rangefinder camera combines Leica tradition in optical and mechanical components with latest digital technology, and fully preserves the look and feel of the M-Family. The M8 features a 10.3 Megapixel CCD sensor, and images can be recorded on SD Card in JPEG or DNG file formats. A 6-Bit-Code on the M-Lenses enables the M8 to optimize image processing specifically for each lens. The 2.5in LCD provides RGB histogram and clipping
information, and the new shutter sports a top speed of 1/8000sec and a flash sync of 1/250sec. ”

“Leica M8将精湛的传统光学工艺与最新数字技术融合一体,忠实继承了Leica M家族的设计传统以及操作体验。M8拥有1030万象素CCD,采用SD卡存储,同时加载6bit镜头编码识别组件;2.5英寸LCD能够,最高快门速度达到1/8000s,最高闪光灯同步速度达到1/250s。”

希望明年的TIPA,我们能看到真正全画幅的Leica M机出现。

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Posted in Leica资讯 at 2007/05/12

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