Nov 20

Sunday, November 14, 2011
一名男子举着巴勒斯坦国旗,另一名男子则在检查被以色列空袭破坏的一处哈马斯建筑。摄影师:Ali Ali
A man holds a Palestinian flag as another inspects a Hamas compound damaged in an Israeli air strike.
Friday, November 18, 2011
纽约传统鸡尾酒吧King Cole Bar。摄影师:Will Anderson
For a certain type of cocktail drinker, few places in New York are more traditional than the King Cole Bar.
Tuesday, November 16, 2011
一名男子在门庭冷落的咖啡店喝咖啡,17国欧元区债务危机状态持续恶化,西班牙已经有超过500万失业人口。摄影师:Alvaro Barrientos
A man drinks coffee in an empty coffee bar.
Monday, November 15, 2011
两名占领华尔街的活动分子在接吻,纽约。摄影师:Andrew Burton
Occupy Wall Street protesters kiss while standing atop a bus stop during the unannounced raid by police.
Monday, November 15, 2011
伦敦街头一幅打破世界记录的全球最大3D街头涂鸦,长达200英尺,面积达9600平方英尺。摄影师:Matt Dunham
People break a world record as they take part in the world's largest and longest 3-D anamorphic street painting, which is almost 200 feet long with a surface area of about 9,600 square feet.
Tuesday, November 16, 2011
聚集在湿地的火烈鸟群,希腊。摄影师:Evangelos Bougiotis
A group of flamingos gathers on the coast of Nea Kios in Nafplio in southern Greece.
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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2011/11/20
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