Dec 12
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Saturday, December 10, 2011
一架飞机从天空的满月背景前飞过,新泽西州。摄影师:Julio Cortez
A plane flies over the northern New Jersey sky with the full moon in the background, in Newark, N.J.


December 6, 2011
People walk past a Christmas tree erected on Cathedral Square in the Lithuanian capital.


December 9, 2011
英国海军军官Andrew Betton在任务归航后与5岁的儿子团聚,普利茅斯。摄影师:Matt Cardy
Andrew Betton, captain of the British naval vessel Ocean, is greeted by his 5-year-old son, George, as the ship returns home.


December 6, 2011
孩子们在等待活动中圣诞老人撒下的糖果,波兰。摄影师:Barbara Ostrowska
Children wait for sweets to be tossed out during the eighth National Santa Claus Congress organized under the auspices of Children's Ombudsman Marek Michalak at the Center for Education and Regional Promotion.


Friday, December 9,2011
大同江岸边的雪景,朝鲜。摄影师:David Guttenfelder
Snow blankets Pyongyang, North Korea along the banks of the Taedong River as the sun rises.


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2011/12/12

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