Feb 28
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Saturday, February 25, 2017
第42届凯撒电影奖颁奖典礼开始前,美国男演员 George Clooney 与妻子 Amal Ramzi 接受媒体拍照,39岁的 Amal 已怀有双胞胎,法国巴黎。摄影师:Philippe Wojazer
Actor George Clooney and his wife Amal pose before the start of the 42nd Cesar Awards ceremony in Paris, France.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017
政治讽刺艺术家 Kaya Mar 举着自己绘制的漫画抗议美国总统 Donald Trump 访问英国,伦敦市。摄影师:Andy Rain
Political satire artist Kaya Mar joins a protest against the proposed State visit to the UK of US President Donald J. Trump, in London, Britain.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017
从一辆摩托车后视镜望去,一名女孩站在被洪水淹没的街道上,洪水漫过她的腰际,印度尼西亚雅加达市。摄影师:Dita Alangkara

The reflection of a girl is seen on a mirror of a motorcycle left at a flooded neighborhood in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017
远眺故宫角楼,白雪覆盖在结冰的湖面上,中国北京市。摄影师:Jin Zubao

Snow is seen in the moat surrounding the Forbidden City during a snowfall in Beijing, China.


Thursday, February 23, 2017
维也纳国家歌剧院舞会(Opera Ball)前,担任表演嘉宾的专业芭蕾舞演员们正在进行彩排,奥地利。摄影师:Georg Hochmuth

Dancers of the State Opera Ballet perform in the ballroom during the dress rehearsal for the Vienna Opera Ball at the Vienna State Opera, Austria.


February 24, 2017
一只从走私者手中获救的金叶猴(Gee's golden langur),印度尼西亚北干巴鲁市。摄影师:iDaily Media

A golden langur rescued by The Center for Conservation of Natural Resources in Pekanbaru, Indonesia.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017
萨尔瓦多 El Tronador 野生动物救助中心,新出生的橙额鹦鹉(Orange-fronted parakeet)和橙颏鹦哥(Orange-chinned parakeet)幼崽等待喂食。摄影师:Marvin Recinos

Orange parrots and catalnica chicks are photographed at the El Tronador Wildlife Rescue Center in Berlin.


Monday, February 20, 2017
2017年俄罗斯「坦克两项」(Tank Biathlon)比赛,俄罗斯远东军区第5联合作战部队的一辆 T-72B1 型坦克在雪地赛道上行进并发射炮火,俄罗斯滨海边疆区。摄影师:iDaily Media

A T-72B1 tank of the Russian Eastern Military District's 5th combined arms army competing in an individual race at a qualifying round of the 2017 Tank Biathlon Competition at the Sergeyevsky training ground.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017
普莫雍错(Puma Yumco Lake)湖畔,一名牧羊人在放羊前清点羊群的数量,中国西藏自治区。摄影师:Purbu Zhaxi

A villager counts sheep before stepping onto the frozen Puma Yumco Lake, southwest China‘s Tibet Autonomous Region.


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