Mar 17

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March 13, 2008
Ha Pisga Gardens, Tel Aviv
摄影师:James Stanfield
以色列,特拉维夫——Ha Pisga花园的圣皮埃尔教堂为中心向四周扩散分布  大图
The city of Tel Aviv, Israel, radiates from the Saint Pierre Church, nestled in the city's Ha Pisga Gardens.


March 10, 2008
Waterfowl, Zambezi River
摄影师:Chris Johns
黄昏下的赞比西河,一对水禽在树枝上小憩的身影  大图
Silhouetted by salmon skies at sunset, a pair of waterfowl alights on a tree limb near the Zambezi River.


March 11, 2008
Guitar, Aspen, Colorado
摄影师:Joel Sartore
在Aspen 爵士音乐节上,摇滚先驱ChuckBerry使用的红色吉他  大图
Rock-and-roll pioneer Chuck Berry plays a candy apple-red guitar at the Jazz Aspen Music Festival.


March 14, 2008
Striped Boxfish, Tukangbesi Islands
摄影师:Tim Laman
印度尼西亚Tukangbesi群岛水域,一条蓝带箱鲀在珊瑚礁旁游动,它的斑点、波纹令人眼花缭乱    大图
A dizzying array of dots and squiggles decorates a striped boxfish (Ostracion solorensis) gliding by a coral reef near Indonesia's Tukangbesi Islands.


March 15, 2008
Chimney Rock, Nebraska
摄影师:Jim Richardson
黄昏初降的内布拉斯加州北Platte河谷的烟囱石——高约100米  大图
Twilight descends on Chimney Rock, a 325-foot (100-meter) geological formation in Nebraska's North Platte River valley.


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