Oct 6


下面是亲爱的Elliott Erwitt同学关于其新书《UNSEEN》的简短访谈,这个老头老虽老,嘴上还是很犀利的,面对采访者的小白问题,一点都不给面子。


Elliott Erwitt: 《UNSEEN》今年9月出版,是近期从我的图片存档中选择的作品合辑,既包括尚未发布的作品,也有一小部分出版已久,也许已经被人遗忘的图片——和书名一样,这本画册中,绝大多数是人们没有看到过的作品(My new book UNSEEN (teNeues September 2007, hard cover 160 pages) is composed of newly found pictures from my archive that have not been published before along with a few that were published long ago and therefore not seen. Hence the title.)


Elliott Erwitt:显然不是,在冲洗完成前,我也不知道自己到底拍到些什么


Elliott Erwitt:每一个被照片本身所完美表达的故事(Stories about pictures are best told by the pictures)


Elliott Erwitt:一般来说,我对器材按需所取,不过我业余时间用的相机来自Leica M系统(I use whatever camera is appropriate for the purpose. My walking around 'amateur' camera is a Leica from the M series)


Elliott Erwitt:Photoshop很有用,但是决不能改变摄影本身。我的助手以及图片社工作人员会帮我处理这些后期工作,对我来说,这些软件有些太复杂了。(Photoshop is useful in many ways but must NEVER be used for the altering of photographs. My assistants and my agency do whatever Photoshop work for me that may be required as it is too complicated for my brain)


Elliott Erwitt:我不喜欢任何形式的“爆炸”。我并不拒绝数字化本身,只是数码拍摄让每个男人、女人、小孩以及黑猩猩成为某种意义的拍摄者,这导致照片的总体质量明显下滑。(I don't like explosions. I don't mind progress. But digital photography has made every man, woman, child and chimpanzee a photographer of sorts and consequently has numbed down the general quality of photographs)

当然,数码摄影是对经济以及速度追求的产物(新闻、时尚摄影、广告等领域),数码拍摄的技术要求太低,图片归档以及保存的方式也在不断改变。银盐依旧是最可靠的影像记录介质——虽然在不甘心地淡出。(Of course digital photography is essential for economy and for speedy results (news - fashion photography - advertising and the like) but it also is too damned easy and doubtful for archiving as technology and conservation methods always change. Silver halide is still the most reliable material but regretfully on the way out)


Leica中文摄影杂志@Email订阅地址 or @RSS

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Posted in Photography Web List at 2007/10/06

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